Does Sweating Help You Lose Weight?
Sweating is a natural bodily function that helps keep the body cool in warm weather and warn you of overheating when the weather gets cooler. It also may help regulate the body's temperature, so that it doesn't get too hot or too cold. In some people, however, sweat can also indicate high levels of stress. And if you want to lose weight faster, you may find that sweating makes it harder for you to do so.
That's because stress causes the body to release hormones that can be linked to weight gain. "Chronic stress contributes to a rise in epinephrine, or adrenaline, levels as well as norepinephrine, or serotonin. And those two hormones act like the engines of your body," explains Long. "When they're not working properly, things go haywire." So the more stressed you are, the harder it is for your body to work normally and efficiently. "And those things that your body needs the most to function correctly - water, oxygen, and energy - are all tied together in a feedback loop," says Long.
But while sweating can help you lose weight, it may not necessarily do that in the way you might expect. Researchers have long debated the question of whether or not sweating helps you lose weight. While there has been some evidence to suggest that sweating does help you shed pounds, the results come from very small samples. The real proof lies in much larger studies that look at long-term sweat habits over long periods of time.
If sweating does indeed help you lose weight, what can you do to boost your ability to control your sweating? There are a couple of simple lifestyle changes that might help you. The main one is to quit smoking, as smoking makes the problem worse by clogging up your lungs.
If you do smoke, start by cutting back on how many cigarettes you take each day. This alone could help you lose about an average of five pounds a year. If you do exercise, choose low-impact, boredom-free exercise. That would be walking, running, swimming, or cycling. If you do yoga, choose gentle, slow-pace poses that do not require as much exertion. Also, do not forget to drink lots of water, as this can help with both hydration and brain fitness.
Aside from avoiding nicotine and alcohol, another great way to control how much you sweat is to learn and incorporate a healthy eating and exercise plan into your lifestyle. Eating healthy foods can help lower your stress levels, so do it! You can also work with your doctor or nutritionist to determine which types of food can actually increase how much you sweat. A good example of this is that caffeine can keep your heart rate elevated, which can make you more likely to perspire. In addition, some food can actually dehydrate you, which can also make you want to sweat more.
Finally, when you do start exercising, choose low impact, fun exercises that will not leave you exhausted. This will help you to exercise longer, which will also boost your metabolism. In addition, once you exercise long enough, your weight will probably come off because your body will be tired and need time to recuperate.
So does sweating help you lose weight? It may not be something that will benefit your goal. What is for sure is that it can help you feel better, not only for today but for the rest of your life as well. Plus, by quitting your excessive sweating, you can help yourself get back into shape and finally feel great.
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