How Long Does it Take to Lose Belly Fat With a Tabata?

It is very difficult for a woman to lose her belly. Belly fat seems to be a part of a woman's beauty yet if you have a protruding belly you feel self-conscious. Having a protruding belly can really make a woman uncomfortable and insecure about herself. It becomes even more embarrassing when the woman is thin yet has a distended belly.

Because so many people are looking for answers about how long does it take to lose belly fat, there are thousands of articles written on this topic. But unfortunately not all of them give you the straight facts. And many articles are just aimed at those people who already have a flat stomach. For people who are not quite ready to lose fat in the meantime, I will tell you about a secret that will help you in your goal of having a flat stomach.

To answer the question "how long does it take to lose belly fat with exercise", you need to reduce your level of intake. In other words, if you eat a lot of high calorie foods, you will not only add extra fat to your belly but you will also gain weight. Of course not all fats are bad. There are some that can actually help you burn fat while others are actually harmful to your health. So avoid these fats by choosing foods that are low in calories.

The second part of the answer to "How long does it take to shed belly fat" is to work the muscles in your abdomen. So many people ask about this issue because they don't know which type of exercises to use. Well, the best type of exercises for this area are the Tabata style workouts. If you haven't heard of Tabata, let me explain it. This is a type of exercise that originates from the Japanese and it has been used to strengthen muscles for a very long time.

When I say "it's been used to strengthen muscles", I'm not saying that you have to go to a gym and pay hundreds of dollars to achieve a leaner, longer and thicker belly. Although this is one of the most effective workouts, it is also the most expensive one available. But the point is that if you have the dedication, you can do it without spending anything. And remember, that you don't even have to spend much money to achieve the results you want. You only need discipline and motivation to find out how long does it take to lose belly fat with a Tabata workout.

The other question many people ask about this exercise is how long does it take to lose all the fat around your waist. Unfortunately, there is no one answer because everyone has a different body fat levels. But as a general rule of thumb, you will not see any results if you reduce your calorie intake by 70% or more. Even doing this will not lead to losing all the visceral fat around your stomach.

What actually happens is that after your weight loss phase is over, your body starts to conserve some of the calories it took during your muscle building phase. As a result, your metabolism slows down. This means that instead of burning all the calories you took in during the muscle building phase, all it takes is some of these calories to be stored as fat. If you don't understand this point, don't worry. I'll explain it in a moment.

So how long does it take to lose belly fat with a Tabata? It really depends on how much cardio exercise you do and how much muscle building you do. If you do lots of high intensity workouts and only spend a little time exercising at the gym, you will not see much weight loss. However, if you put in the effort to get in shape and do some high intensity interval workouts (like jogging or cycling) and keep up a good diet, you will burn lots of calories. As a result, you will lose visceral fat and subcutaneous fat (the kind of fat that surrounds the muscles).


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